November 28, 2012

Viviarium Darmstadt

Had a wonderful day with Sabrina in the Vivarium, Darmstadt. We started with "not to much moving" objects. All the reptieles were doing a perfect model job. The "Säbelschnäbler" were to funny to be ignored. In the afternoon then we ended up in the pet´s corner, which turned out be the most challenging part...

Abrasive Criticism

November 25, 2012


Vineyards & the Castle of Auerbach

Fürstenlager, Auerbach

November 24, 2012

Campus Lichtwiese • Darmstadt

Time to draw the Campus of the University while Pancho is having fun on the inofficial Dog-Meeting-Point of Darmstadt

November 13, 2012

Autumn Walks

 Drawing in the Rain

Autumn walk around Zwingenberg